Toshiba Asteion Quad CT
2002 Toshiba Asteion Multislice 4 CT Scanner
Multi-Slice Quad CT with High Power Generator 48 kW; CT generates 4 slices per revolution using the multi-row detector. 10 to 400 mA; 0.5 Second (Partial) Gantry Rotation; 896 X 4 Channels of Solid-State Detectors; Automated Scan Settings, Real-Time Helical Sure-Start (Contrast) is included; Dual 21? Color Monitors; 4.0 mHu Tube with 125,000 to 175,000 Slices +/-. Power conditioner. 72cm Gantry Aperture, DICOM III, Slice Thickness 4 X .05 to 2 X 10; SCGI 02Computer, Magnetic Optical Disk, 45 GB Hard Disk. 3-D Color Package on Console, MPR, Real-Time Helical Display – 12 Frames / Second, Reconstruction Time 0.5 Seconds, 100cm Max Scan Volume and all the standard features.
PRICE: $.USD Delivered in the U.S., Installed, 2-Day Applications Training and Guaranteed to work upon installation. For Further Warranty, a Service Contract can be purchased from Toshiba.
UNITED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES CORP. PLEASE CALL JOHN AT (239)433-5332 OR FAX (239)433-3919 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. This CT Scanner Offered Subject To Availability and/or Prior Sale
Model: Asteion Quad CT
Year: 2002
Categories: None